One Room Challenge Week 7: Toughest Week Yet

That title is a lie. I’m sorry. 

BUT! It’s week 7 of the Better Homes and Gardens One Room Challenge which means ONE WEEK LEFT. THIS IS NOT A DRILL! So why can’t I get motivated…? 


I worked (at my real job) a lot and was busy this weekend. And then I just kinda wanted to hang with my kids and do fun things. And that’s okay. I had a great week. That needed to be my priority this week. 

But here is what I DID do this week for the ORC: I unrolled a rug. And that’s it. 

It’s a glorious rug, I must say. And the dogs like it. AND it’s super cheap. So many wins with this rug. I’ve linked it for you here. 

Now I’m off to check out everyone else’s progress this week as I’m sure it’s much more than mine 😆. 


One Room Challenge Week 8: Reveal


How To Make Your Own DIY Olive Tree